Media Releases

Kill a worker, go to jail; SA introduces industrial manslaughter bill

November 29, 2022

A new law in SA unveiled today could see bosses jailed for up to 20 years, if a worker dies and they are found to have been reckless or grossly negligent (with corporates fined up to $15 million).

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SafeWork SA chief resigns amid review

November 23, 2022

SafeWork SA Executive Director Martyn Campbell yesterday announced his intention to resign. His resignation comes amid the root and branch review into SafeWork SA.

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Poll - overwhelming support for IR bill

November 17, 2022

November polling in from Essential Research, shows overwhelming public support for the proposed industrial relations policies in the Secure Jobs, Better Pay bill.

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Multi-employer bargaining for small business, key to skills shortage

October 28, 2022

Multi-employer bargaining is the key to making low-wage sectors competitive with the rest of the economy.

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Secure jobs, better pay bill is the action SA workers need

October 27, 2022

The Albanese Government has acted on their election promise to get wages moving and make workplaces fairer for women with the introduction of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill.

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SA hospo industry groups have head in the sand over sexual harassment and exploitation

October 13, 2022

Industry groups in SA are refusing to fund a much-needed inquiry into harassment & exploitation in the hospitality industry.

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