Workers call for jobs, health, and a secure future for South Australia

Media Release - 04/09/2021

South Aussie essential workers will rally as the SA Liberal Party commences its State Council AGM at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Saturday morning.

While SA has been lucky to avoid the worst impacts of COVID so far, the government has done precious little to fix the crisis in our health system, to properly resource our emergency and public services or implement plans to ensure good quality, high skill, secure jobs for our State’s future.

South Australians are losing confidence in Premier Stephen Marshall and his government’s ability to stand up for South Australia during the pandemic.

He has sided with Prime Minister Morrison on stand-alone quarantine facilities, the failed and much delayed vaccine roll-out, and the failure to reinstate JobKeeper for struggling South Australians. He has put politics before what’s best for us during the pandemic.

Fed up paramedics, firefighters, teachers, nurses, aged care workers, tradies, manufacturing and construction workers are rallying together to send a strong message to the assembling Liberal Party that it ignores the calls of SA’s essential workers at its electoral peril.

“Now is the time to invest in our health care services and South Australian jobs. The State government should be spending more to fix our health crisis and taking action to make our jobs more secure so we can recover from the pandemic. Instead, 40% of South Aussies now find themselves in insecure employment, unable to plan for their and their families’ futures.”

“The SA Liberals need to abandon their policy of selling out South Aussie jobs and privatising our public services. If that’s the only plan they’ve got for how the government can act to stimulate our state’s economy, then we’re in a dire state.”

“South Australia needs a long-term strategy which safeguards the jobs of today and helps create the jobs of the future. The now desperate and daily calls for help from our health workers make the situation crystal clear, this do-nothing government is not doing enough.”

“These workers don’t want to be here today. They want to be doing their jobs, delivering for our community, and keeping us safe. And when they can, they want to be spending precious time with their families. But they are here today because nothing else seems to get through to this government. They are fed up.”

“We want the government to keep us safe by properly investing in our health and public services. We want the government to commit to creating secure jobs, a plan for the economy and investing in the education and training South Australians need. And through it all we want the Liberals to take the safety of workers seriously.”

“They’re currently failing on all 5 points and South Aussie workers will judge them on it in March.”

Rally details: Main Plaza, Adelaide Convention Centre, 8.45AM, 4th September 2021

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