SA Unions fight $41 a week pay rise in SA state wage case

Media Release - 22/08/2022

SA Unions have lodged South Australia’s state wage case with the South Australian Employment Tribunal (SAET).The state wage case determines the minimum wage ‘safety net’ for employees in the state industrial system (particularly state Public Sector and Local Government employees).

SA Unions are seeking a 5.2% increase to the Public Sector minimum award rates of pay and allowances, in line with the increase to the National Minimum Wage of 5.2% in July.

The current South Australian Minimum adult rate for full time workers is just $786.70 per week.

An increase of 5.2% would bring wages up $40.90 a week to $827.60 per week.

Last week SA Unions revealed that wage growth in South Australia is half the rate of inflation, meanwhile profits are through the roof.

The SAET is anticipated to convene a Directions conference in September, the SA Government will then have an opportunity to support the Union Movement’s position on wages, as the Albanese Labor government did. 

“Here in Adelaide we’ve seen inflation increase by 2.1% since March this year. We’ve been hit hardest in the nation.”

“SA Unions are calling on the Malinauskas Labor Government to support state system workers, with a 5.2%increase to the minimum wage. If it’s good enough for the federal system it’s good enough for SA.”

“We can’t see any reason why the South Australian Government wouldn’t support this increase – it just makes sense and it’s the right thing to do.”

“The upcoming Job & Skills Summit must address the systemic issues that send real wages backwards at a time of record profits. Both the Premier and I will be in attendance, I will be urging him in person to support initiatives to lift SA workers’ pay.””

These are workers who have supported SA during the pandemic; they have worked hard to keep things running for the benefit of our community. We need to make sure they’re protected with a minimum wage safety net that maintains the value of their wages.”

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