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Scott Morrison’s pay cut for Australian workers this Christmas


Today’s Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook has confirmed that real wages will go backwards this financial year, after years of stagnant wage growth under the Morrison Government. As inflation outpaces wage growth, Prime Minister Scott Morrison is delivering Australians a pay cut for Christmas.

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As Australia emerges, SA workers are left to face an insecure future


As Australia emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and state economies begin opening, South Australian workers are being left behind with casualised, insecure jobs where they struggle to find enough work hours to make ends meet.

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SA Unions responds to the new Impairment Assessment Guidelines


The Treasurer’s commentary on his new assessment guidelines reads like he’s the champion of working people. The truth, as it usually is with the Treasurer, is buried in technicality. Rob Lucas’s double deduction remains in the new guidelines. The Return to Work Act requires a monetary deduction be applied for previous compensation paid for the same injury site. The new Impairment Assessment Guidelines now additionally require a deduction for pre-existing and asymptomatic injuries.

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Marshall’s submarine spin left dead in the water


More than 1100 jobs have been lost from the South Australian naval shipbuilding industry or are in serious doubt, with former Naval Group employees only being guaranteed 3 months’ work at ASC.600 construction workers face uncertainty as Australian Naval Infrastructure shut the gates on the construction of the new shipyard building for the Naval Group subs. Many workers were locked out following the announcement that the project had been scrapped, without even being given access to retrieve their tools.

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FunTea liquidation leaves workers high and dry


Two months after The Fair Work Ombudsman begun action against Yuxuan Group, which operated “Fun Tea” outlets on Gouger Street, York Street and Rundle Mall, the company has entered liquidation, leaving the underpaid workforce high and dry and out of pocket hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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The Premier who stole Christmas now coming after Christmas Eve


In a stunning chain of events at Parliament today the South Australian Liberals voted unanimously to strip working South Australians of their Christmas Eve public holiday penalty rates.

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Naval Group workers on the scrap heap?


This morning’s surprise announcement of the scrapping of the Attack Class Submarine project with Naval Group has left more questions than answers for South Aussie workers and businesses.

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FunTea and wage theft in South Australia


Unions have welcomed the action commenced by the Fair Work Ombudsman against Yuxuan Group, which operates Funtea stores in Adelaide.

It is alleged that Funtea underpaid their employees $180,000. It is also alleged that the workers were not provided meal breaks nor with the required minimum engagement requirements.

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SA Unions support national vaccination campaign


South Australian unions are joining a national ad campaign to encourage Australians to get vaccinated to support essential workers and those who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic.

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Workers call for jobs, health, and a secure future for South Australia


South Aussie essential workers will rally as the SA Liberal Party commences its State Council AGM at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Saturday morning.

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