SA Unions welcomes report on wage theft – slams Marshall Government for inaction

Media Release - 17/01/2022

SA Unions has today welcomed the South Australian Parliament’s Select Committee Report on wage theft and endorses the report’s 37 recommendations which, if implemented, will constitute a major step forward in delivering South Australian workers the fairness and justice they deserve.

While welcoming the report, SA Unions Secretary Dale Beasley slammed the Marshall Government for its complete refusal to act on behalf of South Australian workers and small businesses.

“Each year South Australian workers are having $500 million in wages stolen from them by unscrupulous employers and the Marshall Government refuses to even acknowledge that wage theft exists.

“This complete and total abrogation of responsibility by the Marshall Government to protect workers and to provide a level playing field for small businesses should be badge of shame to every single State Liberal MP.

“After two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, workers and small businesses are hurting. They deserve fair pay and fair treatment. They do not deserve to be ripped off by dodgy employers and let down by a State Government who lets them be exploited.

Mr Beasley said that along with workers, small businesses were also severely affected by wage theft and the Marshall Government’s refusal to act was also a major affront to them.

“Right across South Australia, thousands of small businesses are doing the right thing by paying their employees properly.

“But these small businesses simply can’t compete with unscrupulous businesses who are breaking the law by deliberately underpaying their workers.

“The Marshall Government’s unacceptable refusal to take action on wage theft is a massive kick in the guts to every good small business in South Australia.”

“With peak body SA Unions and a number of affiliate unions giving evidence to the Select Committee on the appalling treatment of South Australian workers by unscrupulous workers, it’s reassuring to see the report’s recommendations adequately respond to our concerns.  

“We call on the Marshall Government to implement all 37 recommendations of the Select Committee Report for the benefit of all South Australian workers and their families.”

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