(Now part of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union)
Artist: Zig Moskwa
Funded by: ADSTE
Produced: 1984-87
The design is like a drafting sheet – clean with straight lines – and along with the colours of blue and white seemed to emphasise my impression of the union and its members.
There are few women in the union but I included one working with a CAD CAM computer system as a pointer to the future.
When I was shown around the work places I saw lots and lots of sheets of drawings and graphs etc. (even the Supervisors had their own visual language) and so the background of the banner shows some examples of work that I collected during my tours. Zig Moskwa
Cited in: Modern Trade Union Banners: An exhibition of recently completed SA union banners, Kathie Muir, Union Arts, United Trades & Labor Council of South Australia, August 1987.
Loaned by the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union South Australian Branch